Unprofitable business is the quickest way to kill your business which you will soon see on your bottom line. It’s therefore imperative to try and identify it quickly or look for opportunities exist to improve profitability is the sales before tampering with any other process.
For starters, this dashboards ensures that the % Gross Margin is healthy and within an acceptable range. This may however vary over time as the product mix and volumes change during the normal course of business.
The most damaging driver affecting profitability is product returns. In addition to reducing customer satisfaction levels, returns usually affect profit at their full cost and often represent a lost sale. They are almost always avoidable unlike other drivers such as price, which are determined largely by external forces such as competitor behaviour. This dashboard therefore tracks:
Order profitability is great as it enables you to manage the profitability before the goods and services have been delivered. Depending on your contracts you still might be able to change an unprofitable order into a favourable one – but only if you can pick it up in time
This dashboard therefore has some key measures which must be visible (by order, customer, item etc. ) to help identify this:
When viewing item profitability it’s important that the Cost of Sales is accurately recorded in the underlying system.
Your costing model may be very simple (Moving Average) or very complex (Activity Based Costing) or somewhere in between (Standard Costing).
Whatever it is, make sure it’s up to date and that the rules are applied consistently. In many companies this process is not done very well, the ned results is that you don’t know that unprofitable products are being cross subsidised by profitable ones. Solving the problem is actual quite straightforward once you have the visibility and whatever action you take will make you more cash:
The KPIs and measures used are the same as Order and Item profitability. The analysis is performed at the item or item grouping levels.
Understanding Customer Profitability is probably the trickiest the profitability dashboards. In some businesses, customer probability is the same as Item profitability except that they data is aggregated by customer and not just item.
In your business you may need to track and allocate non item/service costs associated with the customer. For example:
This section of the dashboard is where the sweet fruit grows. Let us help you harvest the allusive super profits.
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We hope you find it useful.
Most people who download the KPI spreadsheet are looking for ideas to choose the right key performance indicators.
Choosing the right KPIs and selecting the night targets to go with them can be tricky and requires diligence and dedication.
There are millions of things that could be measured. You can only manage what you measure.
So if you measure the wrong things you will manage the wrong things and not get the results you're looking for.
For more information on how to effectively implement these KPIs in your business, please contact us.
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Roger : Call: +27 82 809 5423
Craig : Call: +27 82 783 4640
Designed with enthusiasm by VerdanTech