This info-graphic was created out of survey that was taken by different people in different size organisation and in different roles.
Download the Info-graphic (Its free with no sign-up required)
The amazing thing is that they all agree defining processes is hugely important and there are many benefits to be derived.
They also identified that managers and staff don’t attend to it because 1) they don’t know how to, and 2) they don’t have time as there are so many other pressing issues (ironically caused by the lack of processes).
They then identified 10 imperatives to succeed at process management.
If anyone would like to be involved in a pilot training course that provides a simple method for defining processes and reduces the time please email and I will provide more details.
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KPI Spreadsheet
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We hope you find it useful.
Most people who download the KPI spreadsheet are looking for ideas to choose the right key performance indicators.
Choosing the right KPIs and selecting the night targets to go with them can be tricky and requires diligence and dedication.
There are millions of things that could be measured. You can only manage what you measure.
So if you measure the wrong things you will manage the wrong things and not get the results you're looking for.
For more information on how to effectively implement these KPIs in your business, please contact us.
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KPI Management Solutions
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Roger : Call: +27 82 809 5423
Craig : Call: +27 82 783 4640
Designed with enthusiasm by VerdanTech