Many best in class companies can forecast with 97% accuracy. This isn’t because they have a simple businesses, smarter people or luck on their side.
Their operational plans are aligned to the business strategy. Their success comes from forecasts built from the ground up by teams from all parts of the business – Marketing; Operations; HR; Finance; Logistics etc.
Their individual plans are integrated with shared drivers and assumptions to achieve a common view of the expected volumes, rates and mix of business coming towards them. Changes in one plan flow effortlessly through to other plans.
The information becomes easy to analyse and executives can play with different what-if scenarios until they find the forecast that maximises their margins and growth – at the acceptable level of risk.
Without this way of working, your budgets will become meaningless by month 4 of the financial year. You will remain a reactive fire-fighting business
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KPI Spreadsheet
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You can find your free KPI Spreadsheet here.
We hope you find it useful.
Most people who download the KPI spreadsheet are looking for ideas to choose the right key performance indicators.
Choosing the right KPIs and selecting the night targets to go with them can be tricky and requires diligence and dedication.
There are millions of things that could be measured. You can only manage what you measure.
So if you measure the wrong things you will manage the wrong things and not get the results you're looking for.
For more information on how to effectively implement these KPIs in your business, please contact us.
KPI Management Solutions
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KPI Management Solutions
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Roger : Call: +27 82 809 5423
Craig : Call: +27 82 783 4640
Designed with enthusiasm by VerdanTech